Jub Capital Management LLP
Privacy statement
Please read this privacy statement carefully before viewing this site. By viewing or using this site you agree that you have read and accepted this privacy statement (as amended and posted on this site from time to time) and our terms of use as set out on the site (of which this privacy statement forms part). You may use this site only if you consent to the uses of your personal data being made as are set out in this privacy statement and if you agree to be bound by our terms of use.

Welcome to Jub Capital Management LLP Client Portal (the “Site”). In this privacy Statement (“Privacy Statement”), the expressions “we”, “us” and “our” mean Jub Capital Management LLP. We are the data controller in relation to the personal information you submit through use of the Site, and will process such data in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
We take your privacy seriously and this Privacy Statement explains the steps we take to ensure information about you is kept secure and confidential.

The information we collect from you
We will collect personal information about you which you provide to us when using the Site, for example, when you submit a call back request or an “Email Alert” request or otherwise provide personal information to us. Such information may include (but is not limited to) your full name, address, telephone number and email address.We will keep your information while you have a relationship with us and for any retention period that we are required to meet for legal or regulatory purposes.You must ensure that the personal information you provide to us is accurate, kept up-to-date and complete. When personally identifiable information is retained, we do not assume responsibility for verifying the ongoing accuracy of the content of personal information.If you would like to request a copy of your personal information from us or to review or modify any part of your personal information at any time, please write to us at Jub Capital Management LLP, 25 Ecclestone Place, London, SW1W 1NF, England.

Purposes for which we use your personal information
We collect, use, store and otherwise process personal information about you for the following purposes:(i) to enable you to access and use the Site; and
(ii) to enable us to provide any services which you have requested through use of the Site; and
(iii) to personalise aspects of our overall service to you; and
(iv) to provide you with information regarding products and services that we feel may be of interest to you.

Disclosure to third parties
Our policy is to not share your personal information with any third parties unless necessary to enable us to perform the services requested by you, to administer the Site, as required by law, or with your prior consent.
Personal data which has been submitted to Jub Capital Management LLP may be disclosed to other member firms in the Jub Capital Management LLP network, only where this is necessary to meet the purpose for which the visitor has submitted the information. By submitting personal data to this site, the visitor is providing explicit consent to the transfer of such data for the fulfilment of their voluntary requests.
We will not disclose your personal information to third parties for marketing purposes.

Keeping your personal information secure is very important to us. We will take all appropriate and up-to-date measures to protect your personal information. We have implemented generally accepted standards of technological and operational security to protect personally identifiable information. We ensure that all appropriate confidentiality obligations and technical and organisational security measures are in place to prevent any unauthorised or unlawful disclose or processing of such information and data and the accidental loss or destruction of or damage to such information and data.

Transferring your information abroad
By using this Site, you consent to us transferring your personal information to countries outside the EEA for our legitimate business and management purposes as outlined in this paragraph. We will take appropriate steps to protect your personal data.

We use cookies to store your personal preferences.
Our Site may contain links to connected websites which use cookies. If cookies are used you will be made aware of this when first accessing the connected website.

Privacy related questions or complaints
If you have any questions relating to this Privacy Statement or how we use your personal information, or if you believe that we have not complied with this Privacy Statement with respect to your personal information, you may write to us at Jub Capital Management LLP, 25 Ecclestone Place, London, SW1W 1NF, England In your letter, please clearly set out your question or, if you have a complaint, describe in as much detail as possible the ways in which you believe that our Privacy Statement has not been complied with and we will investigate and provide you with a response.